
EIB Blockchain Challenge

This year’s forum will be a special edition: based on the experience of a big data project in 2017, we want to go a step further in applying innovative technologies to optimise treasury transactions. That’s why, in the context of the forum, we are organising the EIB Blockchain Challenge.


Wednesday 13th June

18:00 – 20:00 Opening introduction - What is the problem we are trying to solve?

Networking drink

Thursday 14th June (E4226)

08:00 Welcome breakfast

08:30 Welcome speeches
Pierre Gramegna
, Luxembourg Minister of Finance

Carlos Moedas, European Commissioner for Research, Science and Innovation Alexander Stubb, EIB Vice President
Bertrand de Mazières, Director General, EIB Finance Directorate

09:15 Keynote speaker: Dr. Erik Vermeulen, Professor, Tilburg University, Lawyer and Technologist What big companies are doing; When you bring business ideas to blockchain; Coding for lawyers; Reputation and trust in blockchain; What is still missing today

10:00 Liaising with team of coders & coffee break

10:30 Sara Feenan, Business Development Manager, Clearmatics Digital cash, post trade, clearing and settlement

11:15 Jean-Louis Schiltz, Professor, University of Luxembourg, Partner Schiltz&Schiltz, Lawyer and Technologist

Digital identity: KYC reloaded

12:00 Sandwich Lunch

13:00 Liaising with team of coders

13:30 Dr. Dirk Andreas Zetzsche, Professor, University of Luxembourg, Lawyer and Technologist Blockchain technology / Distributed Ledger and liability, use for cryptocurrencies and private law implications

14:15 Frank Roessig, Telindus, Head of Digital Finance Solutions, Master of Ceremonies Blockchain origins, outlook and demo lab

15:00 Liaising with team of coders & coffee break

15:30 Dr. Björn Ottersten, Professor, University of Luxembourg (SnT)
Why and how: Academia & Fintech & Corporates should work together; How can non-technologist vs technologist work together

Panel discussion
Björn Ottersten
, Professor, University of Luxembourg, Security and Trust (SnT) Martin Guérin, CEO, NYUKO; CEO, Luxembourg City Incubator (LCI)
Nasir Zubairi, CEO, Luxembourg House of Financial Technology (LHoFT)
Erik Vermeulen, Professor, Tilburg University
Gosia Kramer, Managing Partner, The Office

16:15 Liaising with team of coders & coffee break

16:45 Markus Willms, Project Manager, EIB Finance Directorate
Importance of coins/tokens; The Big Picture: Next Generation Digital Economy

18:00 Close of DAY 1 19:00 Dinner (EIB)

Friday 15th June (E4226)

08:00 Welcome breakfast

08:30 Liaising with team of coders

09:00 Prof. Dr. Rolf H. Weber, Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Zurich; Professor and Attorney-at- law, Bratschi Ltd., Zurich

Blockchain technology, smart contracts and initial coin offerings.

09:45 Marco Houwen, Project Leader Blockchain Association Infrachain explained (inc. practical example/demo)

10:15 Liaising with team of coders & coffee break

10:45 Maria Mateo Iborra, Founder, Bitbank
How does blockchain (DLT) impact people in the developing world; Benefits for small farmers living in the developing world and anybody participating

11:15 Laurent Kratz, Partner, Neofacto; Partner, Scorechain
Crypto Currency AML explained: tracking of Bitcoin and Ether on the network and who is behind a given address; Practical use case from the funds industry

12:00 Sandwich Lunch

12:45 Liaising with team of coders & coffee break

13:15 Dr. Benedikt Wilbertz, Head of Data Science, Talkwalker
Research on AI: where will it go - 10 to 15 years; Possible Business opportunities

Sylvain Forté, CEO, SESAMm
FinTech and AI + Big Data: What is happening in the payment industry, What is happening in the asset management industry, What is happening on some particular use cases

14:00 Nadia Manzari, Head of Innovation, Payments, Markets Infrastructures and Governance at Luxembourgish Financial Regulator CSSF

Does FinTech go with regulation and how?

14:30 Marta Piekarska, Director of Environment, Hyperledger Current state of Hyperledger, practical project examples

15:00 Coffee break
15:15 Pitching by Coders
17:00 Panel deliberations, coffee break 17:30 Jury announcement
18:00 Closing ceremony