eSANTE - Improve Healthcare Security using PCI-DSS

Afterwork organized by ISACA and animated by Didier BARZIN & Emmabuel MANCIET


eSANTE - Improve Healthcare Security using PCI-DSS

Afterwork organized by ISACA and animated by Didier BARZIN & Emmabuel MANCIET

ISACA Luxembourg is proud to present Didier BARZIN, eSanté, and Emmanuel MANCIET, Aubay this evening’s speakers for this Afterwork event.

Didier and Emmauel collaborated to meet eSanté’s ISMS security postureneeds and, selected the PCI-DSS standard to attain the objective.

Together the project team was able to highlight measures needed and deliver the improvements required for eSANTE’s medical information security system.

Conference attendees will benefit from the lessons learned the Team gained during the delivery of the project.

Speakers’ overview:

    Information Systems Manager at Agence Nationale eSanté, Luxembourg

  • -Emanuel MANCIET, performs security-consulting missions for Aubay Luxembourg.


18:00 Registration process

18:30 Start of Conference - Improve healthcare security using PCI-DSS

20:00 Q & A followed by a Networking cocktail

21:30 End of Afterwork session

No-Shows will be billed 25,00€