Round Table

Unlocking the public debate on encryption by bringing an innovative approach

This round table discussion, aiming at unlocking the public debate on encryption, will take place during the European Security Forum, a full-day event gathering cybersecurity professionals for an exclusive programme of conferences and workshops given by recognised experts.

Encryption has made the headlines of tech media these last months due to the major operation conducted by French and Dutch law enforcement authorities to dismantle the illegal encrypted phone network Encrochat. It is one of the last scandals related to the misuse of this technology by criminals, also called the Four Horsemen of the Infocalypse.

However, the adoption of encryption to protect citizens and free speech rights is booming among online platforms despite harsh critics. From Silicon Valley to Brussels, no one is able to propose a common position understanding both needs from law enforcement authorities and civil rights associations.

As encryption is both used to protect fundamental rights and to hide criminal activities, the question of its regulation will become a hot topic in Europe in the months and years to come. Will the EU manage to define the right balance between seemingly conflicting goals?

This session brings together the following experts:

  • Constance Bommelaer de Leusse, Internet Society Area Vice-President and Institutional Relations Manager
  • Cathrin Bauer-Bulst, Head of Unit of the Cybercrime Unit in the Directorate-General of Migration and Home Affairs
  • Pierre Van Wambeke, CEO of Seezam

Moderated by Jean-Christophe Le Toquin, Encryption Europe Coordinator.