News for Individuals

Feb 28, 2019   ―   INDIVIDUALS
A cybersecurity challenge at Game of Code 2019!

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GovSat/SES, in collaboration with SECURITYMADEIN.LU, are proud to announce that this year – and for the first time - there will be a challenge related to cybersecurity and space.

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Pascal Steichen : regard sur les challenges de la cybersécurité

Individuals - page 2

Pascal Steichen nous livre sa vision du développement de la société digitale en général et de la cybersécurité en particulier. Il pose un regard lucide sur un monde en plein bouleversement, avec une pointe de philosophie… Tel un cyborg perché sur les épaules de Darwin.

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Jan 03, 2019   ―   business · technology · individuals
Cybersecurity Resolutions for 2019

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A new year is always a good time to reflect on the future and make resolutions to improve our lives. We have asked 6 experts of the SECURITYMADEIN.LU team to share and explain their very personal resolutions for 2019. Some are quite ambitious…

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Jul 04, 2018   ―   Business · Technology · Individuals
La seconde édition de Cybersecurity Week Luxembourg s'annonce au féminin

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La semaine du 15 au 20 octobre sera entièrement dédiée à la Cybersecurité. Cette année, un intérêt particulier sera accordé à la place des femmes dans ce secteur.

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Jul 03, 2018   ―   Technology · Business · Individuals
Cybersecurity Week Luxembourg with a focus on women's success stories

Individuals - page 2

The week from 15th to 20th October will be entirely dedicated to Cybersecurity. A strong focus is being put on women’s success stories.

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