Lëtz talk about Cyber #2: Christophe Bianco

Christophe Bianco is a real success maker. He is the co-founder and the Managing Director of Excellium Services.

Interview with Christophe Bianco

Christophe Bianco is a real success maker. He is the co-founder and the Managing Director of Excellium Services.

Discover Christophe Bianco’s success with business making and cybersecurity capacity building in Africa, his engagement for start-ups and why he has recently made a Master in Criminology.

Founded in 2012 out of Luxembourg, Excellium is currently active in 7 countries over 2 continents with approximately 140 employees delivering services to nearly 180 customers.

He regularly speaks at conferences about Information Security issues, analysis of the economics of cybercrime or evolving threats. Since 2018, he’s also been Associate Professor at Telecom Nancy, an engineering school in France on cybersecurity topics.