MISP Trainings first half of 2018
Want to join us at an event, discuss opportunities or projects around the MISP project, share your experience about threat intelligence or discuss how MISP could be improved to support security professionals?
The CIRCL team from organizes serveral MISP trainings in the coming weeks:
- Denmark, March 14th: (hosted by Vestas) MISP Training (Analyst and Administrators Perspective) - Registration
- Osaka, March 15th: at the FIRST Technical Colloquium (hosted by NTT WEST, in the Training Center in Osaka, Japan) - Program
- Luxembourg, March 27th: MISP Training (Analyst and Administrator Perspective) - Registration
- Luxembourg, March 28th: MISP Training (Extension and API hands-on) - Registration
- Finland, April 23th: MISP Training (Analyst and Administrator Perspective) - Registration
- Finland, April 24th: MISP Training (Extension and API hands-on) - Registration
- Rome/IT, May 30th: MISP Training (Threat Intelligence - Extension and API hands-on) - Registration